Friday, March 6, 2009

How To Succeed with Women Review (Louis and Copeland)

I was looking for some new material to keep my brain juices flowing and I came across How to Succeed With Women in the dating/relationship section. It was carefully placed right next to The Game hahaha. I picked it up, scrolled through the pages, and made the presumption that it was just another "guru" who jumped on the bandwagon to make a quick buck. Seeing that I had a gift card and I was not set on buying something on the topic I bought it.
I am very happy that I did. It blows my mind that I have never heard of these guys, but they have been around since 1996! They have been gathering the material for their book for quite some time now. I am very impressed with the quality of the writing and the principles that are explained in this book. It covers EVERYTHING. I picked it up for about twenty bucks.
I highly endorse this book How to Succeed With Women and all of the products that Louis and Copeland have to offer.
I am very skeptical about all of the new material I run across but DAMN. You will enjoy it.

Suave's Twitter

Hey guys.
I am now on Twitter
Follow Suave on Twitter Here

PUA Text Messaging Technique Part 1: Space

PUA Text Messaging Technique Part 1: Space
The first thing we are going to look at in texting is simple, but it is crucial to understand.
Imagine that you are in your room on your computer and you are very comfortable. You are not disturbed, you have some relaxing music on. You are just in one of those relaxed states. Now...
Imagine that there are people knocking at your door every two minutes.
Not so comfortable anymore are you? Not so much into that relaxed state are you?
Well. The same thing applies for text messaging. Do not invade the girls space.
She gave you her number for a reason and you do not want to go ruining that by text messaging her every five minutes (if she is not responding). Respect her space and she will respect you as a man.

When to Call a Girl After You Get her Number

I have talked to many guys and women about the whole "when to call" topic. For instance,I have a friend who is pretty good with women and he swears by the whole "wait for three days" thing.
I believe that this is a total crock of shit.
By being a dominant male, if you meet a girl and exchange numbers, you should by all means contact her the next day. This does not mean call her.
Since the explosion of popularity in text messaging, the dating community is forever different. We can always be contacted instantly. This is a powerful tool, but it also adds a whole other level of dynamics into the conversation.
A text message can say a lot about you. From content to punctuation, it screams worlds about you.
I have been experimenting with various types of texts,times sent,and phone game.
Here is one simple rule that I live by.
If you get a girls number, simply text her the next day with something creative. Try to mention something about the interaction to link her back to that positive emotion.
If you were talking about how she cuts hair, mention something along those lines. Also, make sure you let her know that it was a pleasure meeting her. This displays interest, but not at a creepy level if done in the right way.
I will be following up a lot of text material on this webpage so sign up for the newsletter and also bookmark it.
Talk to you guys soon.