Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Sexy Costumes, Beer, and Neghits

I did not get the chance to tell this story, but it is quite entertaining. This last Halloween I was at a costume party with one of my wings and There was quite a few HBs there. After opening one set in particular, I started some comfort building with one sexy nurse. My wing and I were doubling up. I was with one, he was with the other. We had our targets and something weird happened. As I was talking the girl started try to steal my frame so I gave her a little neg. We got onto the topic of beauty. She was hot. I told her, beauty is common, and what else does she got going for her. Well....
I know that phrase is overused, but I had no idea it was that overused. She immediately said. Alright Mr. Venusian Arts. Have fun playing with yourself and listening to Mystery interviews.
I coulnt believe it. Well.... yea I could. I felt a little iffy before throwing it, but what can you do. Which led me onto my next part of the story. A few girls overheard the conversation and they opened us up.
"What was that all about?" They asked.
I told them the entire story and how I believed that beauty is common yadda yadda, but then I told them about Mystery and who he was.. and all that jazz.
They found it pretty interesting and in the end agreed that guys need to have more balls and take control of the frame in a conversation.
Cant argue with human instinct can ya?



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